Best Practices for Water
Water is essential for all life to survive. Yet climate change and other factors continue to threaten that precious resource too many take for granted. These factors include the growing population, climate change, and people wasting water instead of using it efficiently. This issue is one that affects people all over the world, and it is up to each of us to make conscious efforts to use water wisely.
We have the power and influence to get others in our community and encourage businesses to implement the best practices. The purpose of this article is to explore ways we can reduce how much water we use. Innovative ideas can help us be water conscious in all aspects of our daily lives.
Collect Rainwater
Collecting rainwater is simple, and a practical way to reduce the amount of water you use. The water collected can be used to water plants, wash your vehicles, and flush your toilets. Rain barrels are easy to install and every bit of water you collect from the rain means less you run from your faucets or through your toilets. When you don’t collect rainwater, you let a great opportunity to benefit from natural water slip through your fingers.
Daily Habits
Be aware of your daily habits and where you can make changes to reduce water usage. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth is a simple but effective change. Limit your time in the shower to save water. Don’t start a load in the washing machine or the dishwasher until they are full. The amount of water you can save weekly, monthly, and annually with these daily habits is amazing!
Educational Programs
Changes with water use are often the result of information. Awareness about water conservation efforts and why they matter can encourage people to look closely at what they can do to save water. Schools and community organizations should do all they can to educate about practical water saving opportunities.
Local government should share details about what they are doing to reduced water waste. They should be open to new ideas and better concepts that promote water conservation. Getting the community involved in these methods is a great way to save money and save water.
Implement the best irrigation methods and practices to reduce water waste. The two biggest areas where water is wasted are insufficient agricultural irritation and inadequate landscaping irritation plans. Drip irrigation systems are the best option because they get the water to the root of the plans. There is less of it running off or evaporating than with other irrigation methods.
Smart controllers for irrigation can help with adjusting watering schedules based on weather and other elements. It doesn’t make sense to let the water continue to flow through the irrigation system when it has just rained!
Reclaimed Water System
Encourage your community to implement a reclaimed water system. They can treat the wastewater and then reuse it for industry and irrigation purposes. Advocate to your local politicians about how such a system can help with successful water management in your community.
Take Care of Leaks
Don’t let leaks continue to be an issue. Taking care of the problem as soon as possible saves water. It also prevents serious damage that can be time consuming and expensive to take care of later on. A dripping faucet may not seem like a priority, but the amount of water wasted adds up fast. Inspect your plumbing elements regularly, including under the sinks, to ensure you don’t have a problem with drips or leaks. This will help you save water and prevent you from getting a higher water bill.
Water Efficient Appliances
Older appliances use more water than newer ones because they have water efficient technology built into them. Look for the Energy Star rating when you buy a new washing machine or dishwasher. They perform very well while using less water for each load you cycle through them.
Water Efficient Landscaping
Effective water conservation can be done through water efficient landscaping efforts. Consider plants that do well with very little water for them to survive. Adding mulch around plants helps keep the moisture in and you won’t have to water then as often. Use rainwater to take care of watering needs for your garden when possible. The more you can do to reduce how much water it takes for your landscaping to thrive the better!
Each of us has the responsibility to use water wisely. We have the ability to make changes to help our community and save water on a global scale. Promoting better practices and sharing information about water conservation is important. Leading by example can help others make better choices. Be an active part of community efforts to evaluate strategies and decide on the best practices to promote.
Water isn’t unlimited, but we all need it to survive and thrive. Doing what we can now to preserve water means it will be here for future generations to benefit from. Now is the time to pay attention to what can be done to preserve water before it is too late to benefit from those changes!